
Quality Indicator Data

Under the Data Provision Requirements 2020, “An NVR registered training organisation must provide data to the National VET Regulator, by 30 June of each year, in the form of an annual summary report that details its performance during the previous calendar year against the quality indicators agreed by the Ministerial Council.”.

This applies to providers registered with ASQA as well as those registered state regulators (VRQA and TAC).

In practical terms, providers are required to ask their students and employers for feedback and send their regulator a summary report of it every year. This report must be submitted to the regulator by 30 June each year for the previous calendar year.

Feedback from students and employers is an important measure for both providers and for regulators. It helps providers to focus on the continuous improvement and ongoing compliance with the Standards, while contributing to national benchmarking.

PowerPro complies with this requirement by collecting Learner and Employing feedback using the endorsed Learner and Employer Questionnaire forms and compiling the results in a summary report named “Quality Indicator data (Registering Body Report)”:

For more information on Quality Indicator Reporting please see the FAQ directly by ASQA here