I am writing to say how pleased we are with “POWERPRO RTO – TMS”. Your program was recommended to us by an acquaintance in another training organisation and we started using POWERPRO RTO – TMS to manage our training records over 12 months ago. Right from the first time we used it we found it easy to use and the more we use it, the more we are convinced that it suits us and our organisation! Even our new Administration Assistant has had no trouble learning to use the program and often remarks how simple it is! You have always been available to assist us with any queries about the program and we have found that your regular updates have resulted in the program being further enhanced and more user friendly! Our decision to commission PowerPro RTO Systems to build our new website was based on the high level of service you provided to us (related to POWER PRO) and we are also very happy with how that has turned out. We value the on going support you continue to provide and look forward to continuing the relationship between our organisations.
Shelley Richards